About me

프론트엔드 개발자 hwantage 입니다. 블로그에 오신것을 환영합니다.


export default () => ({
  name: "jung hwan" | "Kim",
  email: "hwantagexsw2@gmail.com",
  blog: "https://hwantage.github.io",
  git: "https://github.com/hwantage",
  keywords: ["Web Dev", "Front-end", "Back-end", "UX", "Team manager"],
  technologies: {
    languages: [
      "Visual Basic",
    web: [
      "Materialize CSS",
      "Spring MVC",
      "ASP.NET Core",
      "ASP.NET MVC",
    databases: [
      "Cloud Firestore",
      "MS Access",
    applications: ["Adobe CC", "Microsoft Office"],
    mathematicsAndStatistics: ["R"],
    machineLearning: ["Tensorflow"],
    toolchains: ["NPM", "Yarn", "Docker", "Kubernetes"],
    devOps: ["Git", "Jenkins CI", "Redmine", "Nexus", "Gitlab CI", "SVN"],
    cloudOps: ["AWS", "Azure", "Firebase"],
    operatingSystems: ["GNU/Linux", "BSD", "Unix", "Windows"],
    architectures: ["Serverless", "Microservices", "Monolithic"],
    mobile: ["Android", "Flutter", "Firebase"],
    editors: ["VSCode", "ViM", "Visual Studio.Net", "Nodepad"],
  Education: [
    "Dong-buk high school",
    "KunKuk University Bachelor of Science",
    "Yonsei University Master of Science",